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BOC STANDARDS OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE Version 3.3 - Published November 2020 Implemented January 2021 page 2 Version 3.3 - Published November 2020 The "BOC Standards of Professional Practice" is reviewed by the Board of Certification, Inc. (BOC) Standards Committee and recommendations are provided to the BOC Board of Directors. The BOC Standards Committee is comprised of five Athletic Trainer members and one Public member. The BOC Board of Directors approves the final document. The BOC Board of Directors includes six Athletic Trainer Directors, one Physician Director, one Public Director and one Corporate/Educational Director. The BOC certifies Athletic Trainers and identifies, for the public, quality health care professionals through a system of certification, adjudication, standards of practice and continuing competency programs. Athletic Introduction I. Practice Standards II. Code of Professional Responsibility The "BOC Standards of Professional Practice" consists of two sections: Trainers are health care professionals who collaborate with physicians to optimize activity and participation of patients and clients. Athletic training encompasses the prevention, diagnosis and intervention of emergency, acute and chronic medical conditions involving impairment, functional limitations and disabilities. The BOC is the only accredited certification program for Athletic Trainers in the United States. Every five years, the BOC must undergo review and re-accreditation by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA). The NCCA is the accreditation body of the Institute of Credentialing Excellence. I. Practice Standards II. Code of Professional Responsibility page 3 Version 3.3 - Published November 2020 I. Practice Standards Preamble The primary purpose of the Practice Standards is to establish essential duties and obligations imposed by virtue of holding the ATC® credential. Compliance with the Practice Standards is mandatory. The BOC does not express an opinion on the competence or warrant job performance of credential holders; however, every Athletic Trainer and applicant must agree to comply with the Practice Standards at all times. Standard 1 Direction The Athletic Trainer renders service or treatment under the direction of, or in collaboration with a physician, in accordance with their training and the state’s statutes, rules and regulations. Prevention The Athletic Trainer implements measures to prevent and/or mitigate injury, illness and long term disability. Immediate Care The Athletic Trainer provides care procedures used in acute and/or emergency situations, independent of setting. Examination, Assessment and Diagnosis The Athletic Trainer utilizes patient history and appropriate physical examination procedures to determine the patient’s impairments, diagnosis, level of function and disposition. Therapeutic Intervention The Athletic Trainer determines appropriate treatment, rehabilitation and/or reconditioning strategies. Intervention program objectives include long and short-term goals and an appraisal of those which the patient can realistically be expected to achieve from the program. Appropriate patient-centered outcomes assessments are utilized to document efficacy of interventions. Program Discontinuation The Athletic Trainer may recommend discontinuation of the intervention program at such time the patient has received optimal benefit of the program. A final assessment of the patients’ status is included in the discharge note. Organization and Administration The Athletic Trainer documents all procedures and services in accordance with local, state and federal laws, rules and guidelines. Standard 2 Standard 3 Standard 4 Standard 5 Standard 6 Standard 7 page 4 Version 3.3 - Published November 2020 II. Code of Professional Responsibility Preamble The Code of Professional Responsibility (Code) mandates that BOC credential holders and applicants act in a professionally responsible manner in all athletic training services and activities. The BOC requires all Athletic Trainers and applicants to comply with the Code. The BOC may discipline, revoke or take other action with regard to the application or certification of an individual that does not adhere to the Code. The "Professional Practice and Discipline Guidelines and Procedures" may be accessed via the BOC website, Code 1 Patient Care Responsibilities The Athletic Trainer or applicant: Renders quality patient care regardless of the patient’s age, gender, race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other characteristic protected by law Protects the patient from undue harm and acts always in the patient’s best interests and is an advocate for the patient’s welfare, including taking appropriate action to protect patients from health care providers or athletic training students who are, impaired or engaged in illegal or unethical practice Demonstrates sound clinical judgment that is based upon current knowledge, evidence-based guidelines and the thoughtful and safe application of resources, treatments and therapies Communicates effectively and truthfully with patients and other persons involved in the patient’s program, while maintaining privacy and confidentiality of patient information in accordance with applicable law 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Demonstrates respect for cultural diversity and understanding of the impact of cultural and religious values 1.4.1 Develops and maintains a relationship of trust and confidence with the patient and/or the parent/guardian of a minor patient and does not exploit the relationship for personal or financial gain Does not engage in intimate or sexual activity with a patient and/or the parent/guardian of a minor patient Informs the patient and/or the parent/guardian of a minor patient of any risks involved in the treatment plan 1.5 1.6 1.7 Does not make unsupported claims about the safety or efficacy of treatment1.7.1 Code 2 Competency The Athletic Trainer or applicant: Engages in lifelong, professional and continuing educational activities to promote continued competence Complies with the most current BOC recertification policies and requirements 2.1 2.2 Code 3 Professional Responsibility The Athletic Trainer or applicant: Practices in accordance with the most current BOC Practice Standards Practices in accordance with applicable local, state and/or federal rules, requirements, regulations and/or laws related to the practice of athletic training Practices in collaboration and cooperation with others involved in a patient’s care when warranted; respecting the expertise and medico-legal responsibility of all parties Provides athletic training services only when there is a reasonable expectation that an individual will benefit from such services Does not misrepresent in any manner, either directly or indirectly, their skills, training, professional credentials, identity or services or the skills, training, credentials, identity or services of athletic training 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Provides only those services for which they are prepared and permitted to perform by applicable local, state and/or federal rules, requirements, regulations and/or laws related to the practice of athletic training 3.5.1 Does not guarantee the results of any athletic training service Complies with all BOC exam eligibility requirements 3.6 3.7 page 5 Version 3.3 - Published November 2020 Ensures that any information provided to the BOC in connection with exam eligibility, certification recertification or reinstatement including but not limited to, exam applications, reinstatement applications or continuing education forms, is accurate and truthful Does not possess, use, copy, access, distribute or discuss certification exams, self-assessment and practice exams, score reports, answer sheets, certificates, certificant or applicant files, documents or other materials without proper authorization Takes no action that leads, or may lead, to the conviction, plea of guilty or plea of nolo contendere (no contest) to any felony or to a misdemeanor related to public health, patient care, athletics or education; this includes, but is not limited to: rape; sexual abuse or misconduct; actual or threatened use of violence; the prohibited sale or distribution of controlled substances, or the possession with intent to distribute controlled substances; or improper influence of the outcome or score of an athletic contest or event Reports any suspected or known violation of applicable local, state and/or federal rules, requirements, regulations and/or laws by themselves and/or by another Athletic Trainer that is related to the practice of athletic training Reports any criminal convictions (with the exception of misdemeanor traffic offenses or traffic ordinance violations that do not involve the use of alcohol or drugs) and/or professional suspension, discipline or sanction received by themselves or by another Athletic Trainer that is related to athletic training Complies with applicable local, state and/or federal rules, requirements, regulations and/or laws related to mandatory reporting when identified as a “mandatory reporter” or “responsible employee” Cooperates with BOC investigations into alleged illegal or unethical activities. Cooperation includes, but is not limited to, providing candid, honest and timely responses to requests for information Complies with all confidentiality and disclosure requirements of the BOC and existing law Does not endorse or advertise products or services with the use of, or by reference to, the BOC name without proper authorization Complies with all conditions and requirements arising from certification restrictions or disciplinary actions taken by the BOC, including, but not limited to, conditions and requirements contained in decision letters and consent agreements entered into pursuant to Section 4 of the "BOC Professional Practice and Discipline Guidelines and Procedures" Fulfills financial obligations for all BOC billable goods and services provided 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 Code 4 Research The Athletic Trainer or applicant who engages in research: Conducts research according to accepted ethical research and reporting standards established by public law, institutional procedures and/or the health professions Protects the human rights and well-being of research participants Conducts research activities intended to improve knowledge, practice, education, outcomes and/or public policy relative to the organization and administration of health systems and/or health care delivery 4.1 4.2 4.3 Code 5 Social Responsibility The Athletic Trainer or applicant: Strives to serve the profession and the community in a manner that benefits society at large Advocates for appropriate health care to address societal health needs and goals 5.1 5.2 Code 6 Business Practices The Athletic Trainer or applicant: Does not participate in deceptive or fraudulent business practices Seeks remuneration only for those services rendered or supervised by an AT; does not charge for services not rendered 6.1 6.2 Provides documentation to support recorded charges Ensures all fees are commensurate with services rendered 6.2.1 6.2.2 Maintains adequate and customary professional liability insurance Acknowledges and mitigates conflicts of interest 6.3 6.4BOARD OF CERTIFICATION 1415 Harney Street, Suite 200 Omaha, Nebraska 68102 O (402) 559-0091 F (402) 561-0598 BOC VISION The BOC exists so that healthcare professionals worldwide have access to globally recognized standards of competence and exceptional credentialing programs that support them in the protection of the public and the provision of excellent patient care. BOC MISSION To provide exceptional credentialing programs for healthcare professionals to assure protection of the public. BOC VALUES Integrity, Professionalism, Fairness, Transparency, Service ®Board of Certification, Inc. All Rights Reserved Worldwide The BOC, a national credentialing agency, has been certifying Athletic Trainers and identifying, for the public, quality healthcare professionals with certainty since 1969. Next >