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CURRENT STATE • What is currently happening in clinical practice? • What is the practice-based problem that needs to be addressed? • Why does it exist? DESIRED STATE • What should be happening in clinical practice? • Is the underlying need, knowledge or competence? • Why does that issue exist? IDENTIFIED GAP • Determine the difference between what is (current state) and what should be (desired state). • What is/are the practice-based problem(s) that this activity addresses? • Among the variables contributing to the issue, what can you change? EVIDENCE TO VALIDATE GAP • How did you determine the problem and identify what your learners need to solve it? • What evidence do you have to validate the current state? GAP DUE TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILL AND/OR PRACTICE • Why do you think the current state exists? • What is the cause? DEVELOP PROGRAMMING TO FILL THE GAP • What’s one piece that you tackle in a single educational session? LEARNING OUTCOME • What should your learners be able to do after participating in this activity? • What changes should they make in their practice? METHOD OF ASSESSMENT • How are you going to measure that change? • Were you effective in producing change?Next >